Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas cookies

Every year we received a much anticipated package of Christmas goodies from my grandmother. Sometimes the contents varied, or maybe they didn't and my memory is cloudy, but I remember two things that were included every year. Gumdrop fruitcake. I'm not ashamed to admit that I picked the gumdops out of that fruitcake (and slightly cringed if a crumb was stuck to it). I mentioned it a few days ago to my mother, who told me that she also picked out the gumdops. Who kew? Unlike my mother, I never acquired a taste for it. I learned at a young age that fruit cake was not for me. I don't know if I have ever tried any other fruit cake to this day. No offense if you have given us one. Turns out that it wasn't fruitcake, but Gumdrop cake. My sister informed me of this a few days ago. Doesn't really change my opinion of fruitcake, and I will still probably avoid it.

The other treat, that I very much looked forward to, was frosted Christmas Tree cookies. She didn't just frost them with green frosting, she decorated them with a yellow candy star on top and even the edible silver balls. Those were edible, right?

They looked amazing. They tasted great. I loved them. I still do.

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