Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mr. Mister

This is our third child, Mr. Mister. As you can see from these pictures, the kid has the most expressive face ever! Those big blue eyes of his are going to get him into trouble; they're probably going to be the thing to get him back out of trouble, too!

Mr. Mister has had a very eventful year. A few weeks ago, he lost his first tooth! He was really excited. Shortly after that, we went to the circus, where he won a bike! ("Yea!" for free bikes!) As if that wasn't enough excitement to last a life time, Mr. Mister just turned the ripe old age of six. Does life get any better?

Mr. Mister is one of the funniest people on the planet. On the way home from church today, he informed us that he wants to be the President of the United States. Awesome! Why does he want to be president? "The president has body guards!!!" Is there a more noble motive for civil service? His older sister, the Princess of Awesomeness, informed him that the Constitution dictates that the president must be at least 35 years old. Mr. Mister sighed dejectedly and said, "I wish I was 35." Maybe someday he'll get those body guards.

Of course, this does raise an interesting point. Just what on earth does a six-year-old need body guards for? Kindergarten recess must be a lot tougher than it was when we were kids!

Which reminds me, yesterday he said he wished he could turn invisible. Now what would you do if you could turn invisible? Mr. Mister knows exactly what he would do; he said he would sneak into the school unseen (since he's invisible, after all), wait till recess (who knows what he's doing in the mean time; maybe just learning without the teacher seeing him), then bump into kids so they would say, "Ahh! A ghost!" Now isn't that a great way to use the power of invisibility?

But we're glad he's not invisible; he's too darn cute!

Need we say more?


The Mitchells said...

I cannot believe how much he looks like his older brother. That is CRAZY! And what an awesome bike!

Stephanie said...

What a rockin' bike! It's like a motorcycle! Brendan just turned six, too - and it reminds me of us being prego at the same time. Ah, the time goes by so fast. Happy birthday, Mr. Mister!

Joel (Bob) and Dresden said...

Cute! Of course!