I had the wonderful opportunity to photograph the Nebraska Omaha Mission yesterday. The Spirit of God that was felt in that room full of those doing their best to serve the Lord their God was amazing. If you want to know more about the message they have to share please click here.

Elder Perry came to speak with the missionaries. He wasn't able to stay around for the group picture, but we were able to get a quick shot of him with the mission president and his wife. (pictured left to right: Elder Hallstrom, President Kunz, Sister Kunz, Elder Perry, and Elder Schooff)

The centerpieces for the luncheon made me want Spring to be here soon. I am ready.

This is the missionaries doing a shout for Israel. "Hoorah for Israel!"

I am so thankful to have been able to capture those involved in this mission who are dedicating this portion of their life to serving the Lord and serving others. Thank you for all you do and thank you for allowing me to document this day.